The Book of Privy Counseling - Let me begin by asking you a question. Tell me, what is the substance of man’s ultimate, human perfection and what are the fruits of this perfection? I will answer for you. Man’s highest perfection is union with God in consummate love, a destiny so high, so pure in itself, and so far beyond human thought that it cannot be known or imagined as it really is.mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David Reese

The Book of Privy Counseling – Let me begin by asking you a question. Tell me, what is the substance of man’s ultimate, human perfection and what are the fruits of this perfection? I will answer for you. Man’s highest perfection is union with God in consummate love, a destiny so high, so pure in itself, and so far beyond human thought that it cannot be known or imagined as it really is.mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David Reese

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