Personal prayer exists right at the center of any spirituality. In it we search, both individually and in groups, for deeper more personal intercourse with God – moving into an ever greater intensity, union, and communion that will radically alter the way we live our lives….Prayer above all else is conversation with God. It is the primary speech of the true self to the true God. It reaches far below words into the affects and images and instincts living in us unconsciously – into what depth psychologists call primary-process thinking. Prayer makes use of all we know verbally and emotionally – our conscious secondary-process thinking – forming words and wishes sent in urgent pleas or in quiet meditation to our Lord. We speak in prayer from our most hidden heart to the hiddenness of God, in whose astonishing image we were fashioned and find our true faces. Cheslyn Jones, Geoffrey Wainwright, and Edward Yarnold, eds., The Study of Spirituality, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), 24.

Importance of prayer, a christian position.