The Book of Privy Counseling - Yet do not misunderstand my words. I did not say that you must desire to un-be, for that is madness and blasphemy against God. I said that you must desire to lose the knowledge and experience of self. This is essential if you are to experience God’s love as fully as possible in this life. You must realize and experience for yourself that unless you lose self you will never reach your goal. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David Reese

The Book of Privy Counseling – Yet do not misunderstand my words. I did not say that you must desire to un-be, for that is madness and blasphemy against God. I said that you must desire to lose the knowledge and experience of self. This is essential if you are to experience God’s love as fully as possible in this life. You must realize and experience for yourself that unless you lose self you will never reach your goal. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David Reese

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