Common all to people is

We tend to withdraw from trouble in all its forms. Troubled unrest brings misery to the self.

My soul has become troubled - In its most meager form compassion hums with hope as possibility. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God

As a society, don’t we act as if a troubled soul is out of proper working?

So, in the midst of human suffering, we find ourselves alone. When we need compassion, that need, goes unresolved.

Compassion contains the power to sooth the troubled soul.

Compassion comfort, removes solitude, drops a rope of escape into our troubled pit of despair, points out the straight path, from remove any stumbling stones on the good path.

I am encouraged that, “My soul has become troubled,” is not unique to my self only, voicing some difference alienating me. Trouble is common to all humanity, and in humanity, these words, “My soul has become troubled”, were uttered by Christ.

What are the implications? Not only could Christ cry this heart rending revelation, but cry them out in the midst of ultimate purpose.

I have always considered being troubled as negative. This negativity has an almost ethical weighting. How could my soul be troubled if I was being led by the Spirit? But there is Christ, the Word made flesh, suffering in his passion.

Ultimately, trust in God allows me to say, “Father, glorify Your name.”

Suffering and affliction continually crouch, ready to spring

Suffering and affliction present themselves unashamed. Affliction shouts, look at the great misery I have created for this miserable creature. Suffering mocks the self in despair.

Compassion bubbles up, a healing salve. The effects each of these waves of compassion may relate to how long the self, in which it rises, entertains it.

In its most meager form compassion hums with hope as possibility. Even in small amounts:

27“Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. 28“Father, glorify Your name.” Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.” 29So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him.” 30Jesus answered and said, “This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes.