For then you have put aside the humble mind of a scholar, a master of theology and asceticism, to become like the proud scholars of the devil, experts in vanities and lies. This I say as a warning for everyone. Natural intelligence is turned to evil whenever it is filled with pride and unnecessary curiosity about worldly affairs and human vanities, or when it selfishly covets worldly dignities, riches, empty pleasures, or flattery. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David Reese

For then you have put aside the humble mind of a scholar, a master of theology and asceticism, to become like the proud scholars of the devil, experts in vanities and lies. This I say as a warning for everyone. Natural intelligence is turned to evil whenever it is filled with pride and unnecessary curiosity about worldly affairs and human vanities, or when it selfishly covets worldly dignities, riches, empty pleasures, or flattery. mythoughts, thoughtsofgod, thoughts of God, David Reese

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